September Recap

Written on 10/05/2022
Albert Williams

A walk in their shoes

Hello, Friends of Wesley! We are thrilled about the work that God has been doing on the campus of Georgia Southern University! Since the beginning of the semester, your Wesley has been on mission and ministry. From Studying the book of Colossians on Monday nights to weekly worship on Wednesdays and having fun events like Wesley College GameDay! The Wesley is committed to serving students through the impact of intentional and deep community. We have been praying about how to help students experience the gospel and equip them to help others do likewise!
Take a second and reflect on your college experience. What was it like for you? Over the last month, we finished our series M.V.P, where we discussed how Jesus is with us on the Mountain Tops, Valleys, and Plateaus of faith. Through this series, I, Albert, have been able to minister to students right where they are. It was midsemester, and things started to feel bleak. Many students have now found their place on campus and are beginning to grow roots there. However, I heard one student say this,

“I’ve struggled to find a community since I came to college. I’ve been to multiple ministries, and I just couldn’t find a place to fit. However, I went to church one Sunday and found out about Wesley and decided to try it. I am glad I came here!”

You’re Wesley practices hospitality alongside discipleship, prayer, and worship, and through these areas, I am excited to see where Wesley grows from here. We aim to create a space for college students to be equipped through intentional discipleship and community. There are more stories just like the students above, and we have the pleasure of doing ministry at Georgia Southern. Please continue in prayer for this semester as we continue to meet the needs of students. God Bless and Hail Southern!