Begin each gathering with a deep breath and this prayer together:
“Lord, here we are. Bless our time together and the conversations we’re about to have. May the ordinary act of sharing provide a space for your loving presence to be made known to us. Build your church here among and within us, O God. A church not made of brick and mortar, but made of human lives who rejoice, mourn, laugh, rest, and journey together. God, just as you are present here, help us to be fully present with one another.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Take a few minutes to reflect silently on the following questions:
How have you experienced Christ this week? Was it through scripture, prayer, fasting, worship, fellowship, service? Was there something in your devotional that stuck out to you?
Have I encouraged and received encouragement from my band this week?
How have I loved others as Jesus loves me this week? At home, with friends, with neighbors, at work, with strangers?
I struggled this week with: pride, lust, overeating, gossip, greed, neglecting care of my body, impatience, unforgiveness, envy, lying, anger…
Each person will have up to fifteen minutes to share. Be careful to give everyone enough space to share adequately. Share reflections on the questions above. Use the questions below to help:
How is it with your soul?
What are your struggles and successes?
How might the Spirit and Scriptures be speaking in your life?
What are you asking the Holy Spirit to do in your life? (Possibility)
What keeps this from happening? (Problems)
What practical steps must I take to participate in the transforming work of God? (Process)
Remember: this isn’t a time to respond with opinions or advice. If someone confesses sin, someone in the group should respond with: “in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.”
Immediately after one person has shared, the other member(s) of the Band will pray for them.
Repeat sharing and prayer for each person. End your meeting in prayer.
“Jesus, you took on flesh and dwelt among us. You joined your people in real time and space. You were familiar with their reality and their relational anxieties and joys. And you are here dwelling with us today. Help us to see and celebrate what you are doing in each other’s lives. As we leave today we remember: We are your church. We are your body. May we love one another and all the world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”